Deep beneath the Atlantic Ocean, forgotten for the best part of a century, lies a tunnel linking London and New York.
It was built on the whim of a Victorian inventor with the aim of linking two great cities and developing the kind of friendship that still exists today.
But bad fortune befell the venture - and the tunnel lay idle ever after.
Until today, that is, when the project was rekindled with a modern twist.
Using a giant "electronic telescope" and state-of-the-art technology,
It meant that New Yorkers and Londoners could wave to each other across the sea and begin the kind of mute dialogue that was only a dream all those years ago for eccentric engineering entrepreneur Alexander Stanhope St George (deceased).
Or at least, that's the way the story goes.
The Telectroscope uses 6ft screens and a Jules Verne style telescope that gleams with brass and an array of Victorian dials. Participants peer into one end of the screen - and hey presto - they can see anyone standing at the other side.
Much of the first few hours of this morning were taken up by bemused-looking Americans gazing cautiously at the antics of the London transatlantic gazers before realising that it wasn't a set-up, that they weren't being filmed for a candid camera TV stunt, and that it wasn't a terrorist threat.