Saddam Hussein's Yacht for Sale (PICS)

Qadissiyat Saddam, designed for the former Iraq leader Saddam Hussein, is now open for sale for $34,5 million. Constructed in 1981 by the Danish engineers, the yacht boasts, among other things, a secret emergency exit, a mobile hospital and a helicopter landing area. The yacht can accommodate 28 guests and 35 members of the crew.

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Anonymous Says:

"a secret emergency exit"

Cool. Is it the little boat on the front, and does it launch off the front of the main ship? :)

Anonymous Says:

no you dumbass, its a secret emergency exit from wherever he is at that moment.

but he can't escape the hellhole he is in right now.

Informer Says:

It`s best boat. I like it

Anonymous Says:

500.000 !

sh Says:

500.000? Really ???

Anonymous Says:

it also includes a mini u-boat und a rocket defense system....